Thursday, October 9, 2008

Our Past Few Weeks

Three weeks ago we tried to go to the BodyWorlds exhibit in Salt Lake and we thought we'd be great citizens and use public transportation to get us down there. So we started our journey to Salt Lake at 2pm....and arrived at the library downtown at 4pm...2 hours!!!!!!! Anyway, because we were 4 minutes late for the exhibit they wouldn't let us in! I even ran to the library, which is hard for me now. Here are some pictures of our day. I was pissed, Ryan was happy, and the scenery that day was of the train station.

But don't you worry, last week we finally made it to the exhibit! We drove of course and Ryan's mother Linda came with us! The exhibit was cool, especially the fetus', it was awesome to be able to see how big our baby is, I highly recommend going to see BodyWorlds!!! We couldn't take pictures there so here are some pictures of afterwards when Linda took us to the Old Spaghetti Factory and Ryan's little sister's play that night, can you guess who she is???? She's Ursula from the Little Mermaid, it was a cute play!

Ryan's friend Joshua Dean got married a few weeks ago and we attended their reception at the 23rd floor in Salt Lake.

Top left clockwise: The happy couple, Aaron who just got his mission call to Ecuador, JD and Holly cutting the cake, and Ryan and JD being super happy!
Well that's about got us caught up. We had out last ultrasound yesterday and the baby is healthy and strong and kicking! We can't wait for it to get here!
And a special treat for my family in Minnesota...we spent conference weekend at the Quilters and I thought you'd get a kick out of how Grandpa Quilter can read the paper, listen to conference, and sleep all at the same time.
I'm sorry the camera is shaking a little but I couldn't stop laughing because every time that newspaper would start to droop that him falling asleep and then he'll wake himself up and pretend like he was reading the whole time. I hope you get a good laugh!