Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ward Shower

I was lucky enough to have a baby shower thrown for me by one of my bestest friends Christee and Rachel!! It was all the women and girls from my mom's ward (my old ward) and I got some pretty darn cute stuff!
One of my favorite gifts was a mini finger puppet Herman!!! Which I'm sure no one will understand unless you're my sibling. Mini Herman is pictured here with the original HERMAN!

I went to the doctor yesterday and she said everything looks great with the baby. I had to be hooked up to all these monitors and left alone in this tiny room for a half hour to measure contractions and the baby's heartbeat but it all turned out good. I'm starting to have little contractions so we're hoping in the next week or so we'll have our baby here!!!!


Anonymous said...

OOOOoooo time is ticking!!! How exciting! I can't wait to see your little one!

Margie Quilter said...

You didn't foil our plans! We loved it, it was the best valentine day ever!!! I hope I dind't make you think I was upset about it. We were so excited to visit you!!! It was our #1 choice, promise!!